Baby Hattie {Baby Fever, Sioux Falls}

Good Morning! Today we are showcasing a not so typical blog post. A Baby. Our very dear friends Mark & Lindsay were blessed October 5th with little Ms. Hattie Marie.  Her arrival day also happened to be Lindsay's 30th birthday--The sweetest gift! We are just smitten with this little girl.  From the morning we met her in the hospital, we instantly fell in love. So. darn. adorable. It's even cute when she poops. It's really no secret anymore- I think we've caught baby fever. :)





605 Cover Story - Ogalala Pet Project

This month I had the pleasure of shooting the cover for 605 magazine for a cause that is  near to our hearts.  Pet adoption is important to Val and I and we like to help spread the word when possible.  The Ogalala pet project is helping neglected reservation dogs live a normal life. The photos are only of one foster family in Sioux Falls, there are many more, and many more pets that need a good home. Pick up an issue of 605 this month for more information and more photos :)

The pet project is 100% volunteer and doing a great thing for great pets

Ogalala Pet Project Website

605 Online Article


MJ and Mato


